Board Games are back!

In-person Board Games have started back up!
Yes, you heard that right. after 18 months of doing things online, we are now coming back to doing things in-person again. Whilst also keeping the online events, we are also re-introducing our in-person events.
Board-games have always been popular with the Fresh Light crew, from the days at the Blue Lion, to our online evenings which have been popular during lockdown!
We have now found a brand new venue, The Bad Moon Cafe to host our board games evening, which will be on a Wednesday evening, we will see what the takeup is before considering how often we do these events, please let us know if you have any preferences you might have as we get into this.
The aim of our board games is to have fun playing board games and interacting with old and new friends.
If you would like to join our board games evening, please book your place on our events page!